Monday, November 24, 2014

Magnificent Maleficent

Maleficent, starring Angelina Jolie, takes a new view on the Sleeping Beauty story from the life of Maleficent the fairy. This is much like the musical “Wicked” which tells the story of the Wizard of Oz from the life of the Wicked Witch. Everything about this movie just screamed awesome. The special effects, the cinematography, and the acting were all spot on.
The magical forest. Home to Maleficent and all of the magical creatures. Almost the entire forest was computer generated but it looked as real as ever. The detail that was put into the creatures of the forest was incredible. They didn’t cut any corners when making this movie. Even with the smallest of fairies, you could still see every wrinkle, every smile, and every movement clear as day. And watching as Maleficent soars across the water and watching it ripple or as she flies through the sky breaking through clouds was nothing less than breath taking. Everything in this film looked as real as anything I’ve ever seen.
The camera angles, and lighting were also just as superb. Everything just seemed natural. It didn’t like I was even watching a movie. More that I was actually experiencing everything that was happening. The lighting for the movie was great. When it was bright, it wasn’t too bright and when it was dark, it wasn’t pitch black. But the low light scenes are what really got me. In the castle, where most of the low lighting scenes took place, the amber lights from the torches never clashed with the casting lights and blended right in. And when Maleficent’s forest was dark, they added soothing, yet eerie purple orbs of light all over the place to give the scene an ominous but peaceful feel.
The acting was as spot on as the rest of the movie. Angelina Jolie was truly born to play the role of Maleficent. She was sweet and kind but strong and vengeful while still keeping her wisdom. And she wasn’t the only amazing actor. Copley played a proud, but paranoid king who will stop at nothing to destroy Maleficent. Fanning played an innocent and beautiful (if you can get past her blonde hair and brown eyebrows) but strong Aurora. And Riley played a obedient yet free spirited Diaval (The crow).  Even the small actors in this movie did an amazing job.
This movie is one of the best non-animated Disney movies that I believe has ever been made. The acting, special effects and the cinematography were just plain incredible. You could really tell that the actors and the director put a lot of time into this movie and It couldn’t have been any better. 10/10 for sure.

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